10 Mantras for Massive Action
We all know what it’s like to feel stuck. But let me tell you, inaction is the thief of dreams. Nobody wants to be the person sitting on the couch at 90, staring into space, wondering what happened to their goals. That’s where these mantras come in—your mental fuel for massive action. Repeat them whenever you feel stuck, and watch how they propel you forward.
10 Mantras to Motivate Yourself To Take Massive Action
Repeat these affirmations and mantras whenever you feel stuck to motivate yourself to move forward.
"Be the Person You’re Annoyed You Aren’t."
You know that version of yourself you keep thinking about, the one who’s got it all figured out? Try pretending to be them for a day. Sure, you’ll feel like a fraud…but only for a little bit. Eventually you’ll become that proactive person - the one who’s doing stuff - instead of complaining about stuff.
2. "Your Fear is Boring."
Let’s be honest: fear’s been telling the same old story forever. It’s not even that creative. You’ve heard it all before—failure, embarrassment, blah, blah, blah. Yawn. Time to change the channel.
3. "If You Want a Guarantee, Buy a Toaster."
There are no guarantees in life, except for kitchen appliances. Life is unpredictable and weird, and sometimes it’s a disaster. But you can always learn, grow and move on wiser. And that’s kinda the point of life: learn, grow, move on wiser.
4. "Stop Waiting for the Right Time. It’s Never Coming."
Let’s face. it. You’re not going to suddenly wake up and feel ready to take a giant leap. But one small step? You can handle that. So, take one step today, then another tomorrow. Eventually, all those tiny steps add up to progress… and then to results.
5. "Perfect is the Enemy of Done."
Perfectionism is a seductive little monster. It whispers sweet nothings about greatness while keeping you paralyzed. So here’s a tip: finish the damn thing, even if it’s ugly. Then make it less ugly later.
6. "Procrastination is a Fancy Word for Avoiding Your Future."
You can call it whatever you like—planning, research, waiting for inspiration. But in the end, procrastination is just avoidance. If a goal feels intimidating, then just try to meet your goal halfway. Then keep stepping forward from there. Once you start… momentum will carry you forward.
7. "You’ve Survived Worse."
Think back to all the disasters you thought you couldn’t survive—middle school, that bad haircut, that time you spilled tomato soup on yourself in public. And yet, here you are. So whatever this is, you’ve got it. Again.
8. "Nobody’s Going to Do It for You."
I mean, yeah, it’s depressing, but it’s true. If you’re waiting for some cosmic fairy godmother to swoop in and fix things, keep waiting. Or, accept that you’re the only person willing to drag your sorry self out of bed and get stuff done.
9. "Half the Battle is Just Showing Up… So Just Show Up!"
Seriously, show up. Be there. You don’t have to be brilliant or ready or even know what you’re doing. Half the people winning are just the ones who had the decency to get off the couch and be present.
10. "Do It Now, Before You Talk Yourself Out of It."
The longer you think, the more excuses your brain will cook up. Don’t let it. Jump in before the excuses stack up so high that you can’t even see what you wanted to do in the first place.
Recap: Massive Action Mantras
Next time you’re feeling paralyzed by the weight of your own inaction, remember these mantras. They’re simple little reminders that can give you that extra push to get off your butt and do something—anything!
Want more tips on living life to the fullest? Be sure to check out my book Your To Die For Life. It will help you to turn your couch into a launchpad for all your wild dreams.
P.S. Before you wander off to whatever’s next, here are 2 things that will help you get more out of this wild ride called life:
1. Explore My Book: "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." It's just the tool you need to pry more joy, love, meaning and fulfillment out of your life. Curious? Learn more and snag a copy here.
2. Life Review Therapy - This is a coaching session where we get real about where you are, where you want to be, and why you haven’t gotten there yet. We’ll dig deep into what’s working, what’s holding you back, and how to create more joy, love and fulfillment moving forward. If you’re ready for actionable steps and real results, book a free consult call here.